2. Review 2011-12 Tentative Budget for all Funds
Minutes: Dr. Copeland asked if the Board had any questions on the FEFP Briefing. With no questions from the Board, he proceeded to recap the General Fund. We are anticipating an ending unreserved fund balance of 7.40% for 2010-2011. The total projected operating budget for 2011-2012 is $245,429,701. The projected unreserved fund balance for 2011-2012 is 3.30%.
Dr. Copeland reminded the Board that he will be asking for authorization to advertise the tentative budget at the regular board meeting on July 21, 2011, with final adoption of the budget at the September 15th regular board meeting. He then reviewed the operations for the Debt Service Fund, Special Revenue funds, and the Self-Insurance fund. It is anticipated the district will not need to advertise a tax increase for 2011-2012 since the proposed mill levy is less than the rolled back rate.
Wimberly Brackett, Director of Food and Nutrition Services, gave an overview of the program. Lunch prices have increased $.40 and breakfast prices have increased $.25 in the last 10 years. Currently, breakfast is $1.25; elementary lunches are $1.65 and secondary lunches are $2.00. This past year 3.7 million lunches and 868,000 breakfasts were served, with 80% of the breakfasts to free and reduced students. The number of students receiving free and reduced meals has increased 15% from 2005.
New federal stardards will be mandatory for all school meals in the future. The Healthy Kids Act was signed into law, which was developed to combat childhood obesity. FNS has currently been working on these standards. Also, the Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act will result in most school districts increasing pricing over the next few years to incorporate low fat products. Another ruling that will be in effect this year requires free breakfast to be offered to all schools with over 80% free and reduced students. Bannerman Learning Center is the only school in this category and will be offering free breakfast starting in August.
3. Review 2011-12 Tentative Educational Facilities PlanAttachment: Edu Fac Plan 2011-12 Tentative.pdf
Minutes: Jim Connell, Asst. Supt. for Support Services, reviewed the Educational Facilities Plan for fiscal year 2011-2012 through 2015-2016. Our projection for the coming year is 35,184 students, whereas, DOE enrollment projection is 33,436 for five years from now.
Capital Outlay funds are going down, there are zero PECO funds available, no money for maintenance and currently no plans for new school construction for the next 20 years.
Current projects underway - Orange Park West campus major renovation (8 buildings) and Ridgeview High School cafeteria expansion. Mr. Connell gave an update on the security cameras in the high schools. Orange Park High is complete, Middleburg High is in progress, completion of 2 more schools this year and finish the secondary schools next year.